June 19, 2020
Child at desk covered in post-it notes

When ‘we’ becomes ‘ye’: Finding the right digital creative agency

Please consider the following questions when evaluating your prospective agency partners for your digital project. What different
June 23, 2017

Write for humans. Publish for robots.

When it comes to content, it's imperative that two key concepts are acknowledged and addressed to achieve an effective communications strategy.
December 17, 2014

When talking mobile, it’s important to be speaking the same language

Mobile. Apps. Responsive design. Everyone working in digital knows this is an area that they need to focus on. But for many, it’s tough to know where to start. “We need a mobile app” This […]
October 20, 2014

Curiosity, Content Marketing and Constant Creation

(This post originally appeared on Taoti’s blog here) NOTE: While the following piece was targeted at a college classroom, we felt there were insights in here that a broader audience could benefit from. Never let […]
October 13, 2014

Embracing a Process That You Can Hang Your Hat On

I am a HUGE fan of Radio Lab, the wonderful NPR / WNYC show where two curious hosts (Jad Abumrad and Robert Krulwich) take you along a conversation that’s driven by curiosity and makes science […]
September 26, 2014

The problem with ‘perfect’ … which pixels on which devices?

It's important to remember that responsive design was a response to evolution in phone and tablet technology.
July 14, 2014
Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich

The PB&J Principle: Managing expectations of data and how it flows to make an appetizing website

One of the greatest lessons of my life happened in 4th grade. The assignment was simple, straightforward, and one that you wouldn’t think required much thought: Describe how to make a peanut butter and jelly […]
May 27, 2014

How Marketing And Web Evolution Lessons Can Help Providers Serve Customers

I recently had the opportunity to be part of a panel discussion focused on consumer engagement in Durham, N.C., for Duke University’s 5th Annual Informatics Conference: “Clinical Innovation in an EHR Environment”. The panel moderator […]
January 20, 2014

All of my Marketing:Health posts on MediaPost

I was a founding contributor to MediaPost’s Marketing Health Blog. You can read all of my posts from the links below, but I understand if you’d rather just scan the headlines. It’s a busy world, […]